Registration Closed | 2024 - 2025 School Session

Pre Professional Division Level 2 - Level 6

August 19, 2023 through June 8, 2025

Registration for Summer Session and Intensives are now open and accepting trials and auditions during our 24/25 School Session. Registration for the 25-26 School Session will open late Spring.

Level 2 Registration

Level 2 students are required to enroll and consistently attend ballet class 2x per week. Level 2 is offered on Tuesdays/Thursdays/Saturdays, and students may enroll in any two days. Classes are 75 minutes each. Tuition | S254.21 per monthly installment for 2x/week (required). 23/24 School Session registration fee ($50) plus $100 tuition deposit towards first monthly installment (Aug) is due upon registration to reserve your dancer’s place in class. Remaining balance for first tuition installment (Aug) is processed Aug 1. Thereafter, School Session tuition installment auto-pay resumes from September 1st.

Level 3 / Teen Ballet I Registration

Level 3 students are required to enroll and consistently attend ballet class 2x per week. Level 3 is offered on Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Thursdays, and students must enroll in two of the three classes. Tuesday and Thursday Level 3 class is 90 min. Wednesday class is 75 min. Tuition estimate | S304.95 per monthly installment for 2x/week (required). 24/25 School Session registration fee ($50) plus $100 tuition deposit towards first monthly installment (Aug) is due upon registration to reserve your dancer’s place in class. Remaining balance for first tuition installment (Aug) is processed Aug 1. Thereafter, School Session tuition installment auto-pay resumes from September 1st.

Teen Ballet I, offered on Wednesdays at 7pm, is for the beginning to intermediate level recreational teen dancer ages 12+. Teen Ballet I students can participate in our year-end concerts, but are not eligible to audition for The Nutcracker or progress towards pointe training. Tuition is $133.74 per monthly installment.

Level 6 Full Program Registration

For our most advanced dancers to work towards reaching their fullest potential, enrollment in the full extent of the Level 6 schedule is paramount. We offer a discounted flat rate with the best price per hour of instruction for those taking advantage of the full Level 6 program. For approximately $50 more per month from the Level 6 minimum required class tuition, the Full Program tuition rate includes 5 ballet classes, 3 pointe classes and 1 contemporary class per week at a $100 per month savings from regular price.

For comparison, minimum tuition for Level 6 is approximately $650. Original price for full program Level 6 (all classes) is approximately $797, which we now offer discounted to for $697.

Use the link below to automatically enroll your dancer into every class available to them. Please disregard the days/times listed adjacent to the registration link and refer to the 24/25 School Session Level 6 schedule above.

23/24 School Session registration fee ($50) plus $100 tuition deposit towards first monthly installment (Aug) is due upon registration to reserve your dancer’s place in class. Remaining balance for first tuition installment (Aug) is processed Aug 1. Thereafter, School Session tuition installment auto-pay resumes from September 1st.

Level 4A, 4B, 5 & 6, Teen Ballet II & III Registration

Please use the links below to begin registration. Please take notice of the following minimum Enrollment Requirements. BABC does not accommodate reduced schedules below the requirements. 23/24 School Session registration fee ($50) plus $100 tuition deposit towards first monthly installment (Aug) is due upon registration to reserve your dancer’s place in class. Remaining balance for first tuition installment (Aug) is processed Aug 1. Thereafter, School Session tuition installment auto-pay resumes from September 1st.

Teen Ballet II and III is a 1x per week class for the intermediate through advanced recreational teen dancer ages 12+. Teen Ballet students can participate in our year-end concerts, but are not eligible to audition for The Nutcracker or progress towards pointe training. Tuition is $160.50 per monthly installment (one 90 minute class per week.)

  • Level 4A, 4B, 5 | Three (3) Ballet Technique classes per week

  • Level 6 | Four (4) Ballet Technique classes per week

  • Beginning Pointe I | One (1) Pointe Class Per Week.

  • Beginning Pointe II | Two (2) Pointe Classes Per Week

  • Intermediate/Advanced Pointe | Three (3) Pointe Classes Per Week

  • Note: Dancers must be enrolled in the ballet technique class that proceeds their enrolled pointe class. For example, a student cannot come and just take a pointe class, without having a ballet class. This is standard for safe practices in proper ballet training.

    Additional Requirements

    • Competitive Classical Ballet students, whether solo/group, must be training in full program offerings according to their level. Competitive students are invite only, but students are welcome to voice interest.

    • Competitive Contemporary students, whether solo/group, must be training in contemporary class according to their level. Competitive students are invite only, but students are welcome to voice interest.

    • Private Lessons are only available to and scheduled for students training in full program offerings according to their level. Exceptions are made for students who may be needing private lessons to help recover from an injury.

    • In order to be eligible to be cast in The Ballet Alliance performance pieces, or other contemporary in nature repertory, students must be training in contemporary class according to their level.

    • A minimum of Three (3) weeks* enrollment in Summer Session and/or Summer Intensive is required. Requirement is reduced to Two weeks (2) Summer Session and/or Summer Intensive enrollment if student is attending an approved out-of-state/area Summer Intensive Program at the discretion of Artistic Director. Additional exceptions also provided for students recovering from major injury or illness, at the discretion of the Artistic Director. Summer 2025 dates are announced…please plan ahead accordingly. Students not meeting their minimum summer training requirements will forfeit their eligibility to be a company dancer with Bay Area Youth Ballet and/or cast in Nutcracker 2025. Students are not permitted to train at other programs local to the Bay Area unless program is affiliated with a fully professional ballet company (i.e. Joffrey SF programs, San Francisco Ballet). *A Summer Session week is defined by three dates of classes. 6 Summer Session dates will count as two (2) weeks.