Parent & Me Ballet For Ages 2-4
Want to try this class? Register for a drop-in class below for $22. Once you love it - you can register for a session, or remaining weeks of a session (prorated), for just $19.50 per class.
Introduce your little movers to ballet with our Parent & Me Ballet class! This 45 minute class is for ages 2-4 and requires some parent/guardian or caregiver participation, while your child grows in their independence taking a group class. This class enhances age appropriate motor and locomotive skills, flexibility, imaginative play and is SUPER FUN!
This class is also appropriate for students who are age eligible for our Pre Ballet Class but are not yet confident to attend class without a parent/guardian present. Pre Ballet begins at Age 3 by September 1.
SESSION 1, SAFARI: Aug. 24 - Oct. 13
SESSION 2, ALL THINGS NUTCRACKER - Oct. 19th - Dec. 14 (No Class Nov. 30)
Session 4, SPRING GARDEN: Mar. 1 - Apr. 26th (No Class Apr. 5th)
Session 5, SLEEPING BEAUTY (4 Weeks Only): May 3rd, 10th, 17th & 31st
INSTRUCTOR: Briana Coleman
Full Session: $156 per 8 Week Session ($19.50 per class), No Registration Fee. $78 for 4 Week Session 5, Sleeping Beauty.
A La Carte: Register your dates of attendance / Drop In ($22 per class), No Registration Fee.
Tuition is prorated for new students who sign up mid session. Otherwise, there is no tuition proration. Registering A La Carte (Drop-In) may be of benefit for those with many date conflicts.
POLICY: Tuition is non-refundable or transferable. One (1) make up class can be rescheduled to a future session due to illness or conflict for both 8 Week and A La Carte students.
DRESS CODE: A strict uniform is not required. Children may wear any clothing or dance wear they can move freely in. Footwear can be socks, bare feet, or full sole leather ballet shoes. (Ballet pink for girls and black ballet shoes for boys is recommended if buying shoes.) Long hair should be pulled out of the face in a pony tale or ballet bun.
SESSION 4: March 1 - April 26
Our Parent & Me Class is similar to our Pre Ballet class but with in-classroom Parent/Guardian support. Session 4 includes a “Spring Garden” theme. No class on April 5th - BABC Spring Break.
To register, select “Register” next to your desired date and follow the prompts. Please reach out to if you need any assistance with registration or have any questions.