Nutcracker Photography Portraits

Sunday, November 3

10am-4pm* by Appointment

Photography by Rosselyn Photography, former professional ballerina and photographer.

*additional appointment times will be added past 4pm if currently offered appointments fill up.


Sunday, November 3 we will be holding a picture day, open to all performers in The Nutcracker to come have their portrait taken in costume! Portraits are taken at Bay Area Ballet Conservatory by professional photographer and former professional ballerina, Rosselyn Ramirez, who specializes in capturing dancers.


STEP 1: Schedule an appointment time (deadline to schedule is Friday, Nov 2nd) If your dancer has multiple costumes, dancer must schedule an additional appointment time for each costume. Alternative dates and times for photography is not possible. Sibling/family photos also need to be scheduled as a separate appointment. DON’T FORGET TO COME BACK HERE AFTER MAKING APPOINTMENT FOR STEP 2!

If you need to change your scheduled appointment time, you must contact to make a change.

STEP 2: Fill out the order form below. Once we receive both an order form and you have made your photography appointment(s), you will emailed an invoice. Please allow up to 48 hours to receive invoice. Invoices will be due upon receipt to secure your appointment time. Paid invoices are not refundable.

STEP 3: Show up to your photography appointment early with hair and make-up already completed. Dancers will then be helped into costume by BABC Staff and Volunteers. If you are late to your appointment, we may not be able to squeeze you back in. So, please be on time. If we are running behind schedule, it is due to making sure we get the best images for the dancers. Thank you for your patience.


*Please create one order form per dancer. For example, if you have two dancers taking portraits, please complete this form twice - one for each dancer.

*Please submit an additional order form for any sibling/family portrait portraits.

*Portraits are restricted one pose only, with the following exceptions: Bay Area Youth Ballet company dancers may order two poses - please indicate this in notes (and for which costume) if desired. The roles of Clara, Snow Queen, Dew Drop and any graduating Seniors permitted to order 3 poses, if desired.